MBA Curriculum Uniqueness

Welcome to Department of Business administration and Management

Andragogy is interpreted as the process of engaging adult learners with the structure of learning experience. We follow our own Andragogy of teaching learning.
H = Holistic knowledge enhancement
V = Value education to create visionary leaders
P = Personality development
M = Mentoring resources
C = Corporate Interface
O = Out of the box thinking.
E = Entrepreneurship development cell
T = Technical skill building
M = Multiple teaching Methodologies
B = Better & responsible citizens development
A = Administration capabilities
  • Enhances the students’ holistic knowledge (historical, socio-political) through global coursework.

  • Values, probity & societal sensitivity must go along with professional living. Learner must recognize & accept responsibility for professional growth and development o the country.
  • The department has always believed in a differentiating strategy of developing visionary leaders by value education, not mere managers, who can take control of and lead business organizations in turbulent times. The six leadership traits are identified for this purpose those are character & integrity, charisma, influencing ability, ability to think differently with a long-term perspective, entrepreneurship and ability to administer ideas into reality.

  • Development of the overall personality of a student is one of the prime objectives of any management program. It has, however, been observed that many students at the initial stage find it difficult to migrate from graduate syndrome to post-graduate climate of learner-centric environment. This impedes their learning propensity as well as ability. In view of the above at initial stage itself the students are exposed to structured inputs / games / exercises facilitating them to come out of protected environment and make them feel free to work in teams / groups. Every Sunday one batch of students is exposed to this highly interactive personality development program. This exercise is repeated once every six months.

  • With prior knowledge about student background, the mentors design study plan, develop critical skills, help them identify & pursue opportunities for putting management skills into practice.

  • Industrial Visits are our tool for industry institute interaction. It is a part of the co curricular activities of the course, during which students visit companies and get insight of on the internal working environment of the company. The industrial visit also provides an insight on how companies work and also useful information related to the practical aspects of the course which cannot be visualized in lectures
  • Every semester students are taken to industries where they also make avail of the opportunity to interact with the Industry personnel.
  • The HVPM MBA is structured to support various NGOs with active collaboration of contemporaries and various faculties.
  • Various industry experts are called for interaction with the students on various isssues.

  • Thinking out of the box means thinking of a solution that is somehow outside of what you already known and do, coming up with something wholly new. Pushing people harder to think out of the box doesn’t work. Many of the revolutionary ideas in the technologies and arts don’t come from the person who solves the problem by thinking out of their box. So we execute it with students initiative by giving practical case studies. Each student comes with his on innovative idea. The activity is undertaken with following objective.
  • Idea Research (student driven research initiative):
  • Fostering out-of-the-box thinking
  • Learning scientific methods of research & problem analysis / dissection
  • Aiming to come up with solutions to challenging industry concerns mentored by faculty

  • There is a need to create a band of entrepreneurs in the country. It is only through this cadre that the country can move forward. Unfortunately the current MBA syllabus does not focus on entrepreneurship. More attention is paid on developing knowledge, skills and attitude that are essential for managing the businesses. However; there is a need for some additional traits like entrepreneurship motivation, managing family issues along with business, specific legal aspects and so on. The most important feature is developing a climate for generation of innovative and viable ideas and bringing them from laboratory stage to commercial phase. The elective on entrepreneurship deliberates the above perspective.

  • Course curriculum is designed to integrate knowledge with skills. Various technnical experts are called to train the students research softwares like SPSS & Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft word & advanced exel. Also various banking & online trading softwares are taught. We also emphasize on Soft skills, body language, atiquates as well as aptitude skills to create a perfect blend of a professional

  • Judicious Mix of Varied Teaching Methods includes following methodologies.
  • Case Studies
  • Lecture & Discussions
  • Feedback
  • Learning Labs
  • Problem-solving Sessions
  • Role-Plays
  • Simulations
  • Team Projects
  • Theoretical Parody
  • Corporate Immersions

  • Youth as its targets, the prime organization HVPM has always focused its endeavors towards improving their physical, mental, moral, academic and social development so as to mould their all-round personality based on integrity of character and benevolence and make them capable of meeting the challenges of the new era.

  • Administration is basic part of curriculum. The theory is taught in classroom while students are explored to develop administration capabilities practically. The institute organizes various national as well as international events like national seminars, national conference & Global conference. Starting from registration, enquiry, laudging, transportation, stage decoration, inauguration ceremony to certificate distribution all activities are handled by students.