T and P Objectives & Activities

Welcome To T & P Cell Department

T & P Cell Objective:

  1. To identify the trainable and employable students by conducting various training programs and assessments.
  2. To Develop Employability Attributes in students
  3. To Provide Training for English Communication, Soft Skills & Aptitude for Engineering Graduates
  4. To Make Aware & Trained in latest available technology in the field of ENTC, CSE, IT, Mech and Management through regularly organizing a. Guest Lectures (in person or Remotely) b. Industry Expert talks (in Person or Remotely) c. Technical Workshops d. Summer and Winter Internship Programs
  5. To Conduct Placement Drives and Pool Campuses for recruitment
  6. To provide off campus recruitment opportunities based on skill mapping of industry requirement and candidate possessed.
  7. To promote placements through Virtual Mode
  8. To foster the Industry – Institute Alliance

T & P Cell Activities:

  1. Conduct English Communication Training
  2. Conduct Soft Skill Training
  3. Conduct Aptitude Training
  4. Conduct Campus Recruitment Training along with practice sessions for identified Students
  5. Conducts CAP – Company Awareness Program and PAP – Profile Awareness Program for placement identified students
  6. Conduct Technical Workshops and Training Programs on industry recent trends such as Telecom Services, PLC, SCADA, Embedded Systems, Androids, Dot Net, Java, Linux, Adobe Flex, Networking, Open Sources Software, SPSS, Use of Excel for Statistical Data Analysis, etc.
  7. Conduct Online Recruitment tests for Pool and Close Campuses
  8. Provide assistance for getting Live Projects to Engineering & Management Students
  9. Provide Summer & Winter Internship Program to Engineering & Management Students
  10. Provide Enrollments for Employment Exchange
  11. Provide Enrollments for Apprenticeship from Board of Apprenticeship Training (Western Region), Mumbai
  12. Provide Documentation requirement services as Extension counters for Passport & PAN Card