Welcome to Department of Business administration and Management
MBA Department

“Greetings from H.V.P.M’s C.O.E.T M.B.A Department”
The higher education system, particularly technical and professional educational system in India is at the crossroads. GER is at a lower level compared to the global average and there is a need for expansion along with the societal demands for access, equity and inclusion. Quality at the same time is the other crucial vertex as expansion without excellence will eventually lead to a mediocre system bereft of global standards. The dilemma is increasingly becoming a nightmare for the regulators; besides the islands of excellence, there are a plethora of institutes which are devoid of quality and hence, of lesser value for a future India.
H.V.P.M’s C.O.E.T M.B.A Department is actively engaged in creating not only corporate professionals, but also responsive and responsible citizens who can be proud inhabitants of an India of tomorrow. Competence and Character are the two basic competencies that H.V.P.M’S C.O.E.T M.B.A DEPARTMENT tries to inculcate in all its students through its Post-Graduate Management programme.
The institute has a strong belief in the axiom that it is not only the physical infrastructure and ambience but the presence of conducive, intellectual and supporting climate is what is at the core of an educational institution. The culture, therefore, at H.V.P.M’S C.O.E.T M.B.A DEPARTMENT is more like an extended family than a classical hierarchical set-up. With a large pool of faculty both from the world of academics as well as corporate, good quality of students, well-laid systems and processes that include a mix of Indian culture and modern techniques / tools.
We believe in providing a conducive, learning environment and some of the best practices that industry has today. We are confident of our continued journey towards excellence in this competitive and complex world while maintaining our identity and uniqueness. We are in constant search for our quest to balance between creating global citizens and Indian values & ethos.
We look forward to continued support from our stakeholders and supporters in this journey of ours.
Prof. Sarvesh Rathi