About Library

College Library is an essential component of the institute’s outstanding and education mission it is occupies a place of pride having 550 sq. Mts. builtup area. The mission of the Library is to facilitate creation of new knowledge through acquisition, organization and dissemination of information and providing effective and efficient services to users.
The college Library is providing good services for scholarly purpose and academic integrity. A place that put a wide array of resources at your fingertips—from books, journals and academic databases on Engineering and Technology, Humanities Science, Social Sciences and Management. It maintains separate collections of Reference Books, Bound volumes of journals, Technical Reports, Proceedings of Seminar and conferences with e-Books, e-journals, and Compact Discs.
Total No. of Books | 27494 |
Total No. of e-Books | 3532 |
Total No. of Titles | 6409 |
Total No. of Print Journals | 61 |
Total No. of e- Journals/ Books | Membership of 4- e- Journals/ Books Consortia |
Seating capacity of Reading Room | 190 |
Total No. of Computers | 17 |
Library Area | 550 Sqmt. |
Membership of Consortia ( E- Journals)
Library Services
- Book bank Scheme
a. Social Welfare Caste Book Bank
b. College Book Bank
- Circulation of Books(Open access to P G & Final U G Students faculty)
- Guidance to User
- Inter library Loan
- OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue)
- Reference Service
- Reprographic Services
- User Feed Back Practices
- Inter library Loan
- Books Exhibition
- Library has collected some free Books, Journals etc. through donation
- Digital Library
- Web-OPAC
- Current Awareness Services
- E-mail service
- Documentation Service
- E-Institutional Repository
- In Service training for Library Staff
- PUT (Purchase- Used-Transfer)
- Question Paper and Solutions Unit
- Reading Room (On Sunday) Facilities during the examination period
- Digital School
a. Oranized Training/ Demonstation on E- Resources for Library Users
b. Oranized Training/ Demonstation on E- teaching tools for faculty
c. provide training on virtual lab practical to faculty and staff
Opening Hours of Library : 9.30 Hours (9.00 am to 6.30 pm)
College starts from 10.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. but for the benefits of (without disturbing the lecture) students. The library remains open from 9.00 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. on Monday to Friday working days and on Saturday from 9.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. Sunday is Holiday, However the library working hours are further extended till 12:00 noon to 5.00 p.m. during examination period for the benefit of the students.
Categories of Membership and Loan Period Policy
Categories Type | No. of Books | Loan Period | Access |
Undergraduate Students (Current academic session) | 2 books | 15 days/renewable | Closed Access |
Post Graduate Students | 4 books | 15 days/renewable | Open Access |
Faculty Members (Approved/ Regular and Adhock) | 6 books | 1 semester/renewable | Open Access |
Non-Academic Employees | 3 books | 15 days/renewable | Open Access |