Welcome to Department of Electronics and Telecommunication
Laboratories in the Department

Electronic Devices and Circuits
List of Major Equipments: 09
- 20 MHz Dual-Trace Oscilloscope (02)
- 20 MHz Dual-Trace oscilloscope with F.G. (03)
- CRO with Logic scope (01)
- Digital L-C-R-Q Bridge model (01)
- Scientech make analog Trainer-Lab (03)
- Scientech make digital Trainer Lab (01)
- Linear cum Digital IC tester (01)
- 25 MHz Dual-Trace Oscilloscope (02)
- Electronics Devices & Circuits Experimental kits (07)

Communication Engineering Lab
List of Major Equipments:
- 30 MHz CRO (01)
- 20 MHz Dual-Trace oscilloscope with F.G. (02)
- Advance fiber optic Trainer (01)
- 20 MHz Dual-Trace Oscilloscope (02)
- CRO with Logic scope (01)
- 25 MHz Dual-Trace Oscilloscope (02)
- Antenna trainer (01)
- Colour TV trainer (01)
- Storage oscilloscope (01)
- Spectrum Analyzer (01)
- Comm. Experimental kits (12)

Microcontroller & Microprocessor Lab
List of Major Equipments:
- Dynalog made 8085 Processor kit (08)
- Dynalog made 8086 Processor kit (08)
- Anshuman made 8085 Processor kit (01)
- Dyna 85 with SMPS (08)
- Dyna 86 with SMPS (08)
- Interfacing study cards (44)
- Universal Programmer (01)
- 8051 Embedded kit (10)

Analog & Digital integrated circuit Lab
List of Major Equipments:
- Scientech make analog Trainer-Lab (01)
- Scientech make digital Trainer Lab (05)
- 20 MHz Dual-Trace Oscilloscope (02)
- CRO with Logic scope (01)
- 20 MHz Dual-Trace oscilloscope with built in Function generator (02)
- Function generator (04)
- 25 MHz Dual-Trace Oscilloscope (04)
- Digital circuit modules (10)
- Power supply(17)

PG Research Lab
Experimental Setup(for 13 system)
- VLSI back end microwind3 software (01)
Embedded Trainer kit
ARM7 development board
Convolution encoder & viterbi decoder kit
Model no. DLC -07
Delta/Sigma delta & adaptive delta modulation/demodulation kit
Model no. DLC -07
CRC Encoder/Decoder & MSK modulation/Demodulation kit
Model no. ADCL 08
Error Detection and correction cyclic codes-111287
Model no. Scientech 2120 Spartan-6 Development board with on board device
Vertex-5 Development board with device
ADC-DAC add on card
Spartan 6 DSP protoboard with on board device

Digital signal processing Lab
List of Major Equipments:
- Experimental Setup (for 15 system) Altera Quartus
II VHDL software (for complete PCs in Lab)
Multivender universal VLSI prototype. (01)
Multisim 8 spice education software (for complete PCs in Lab)
Matlab (05)
Simulink (01)
Neural network tool box (01)
Fuzzy logic tool box (01)
Control system tool box (01)
Signal processing tool box (01)
Communication tool box (01)
Image processing tool box (01)

Instrumentation Lab
List of Major Equipments:
- Measurement of control of temperature using Thermocouple. (02)
Inductive pick up. (01)
Displacement of LVDT. (02)
Angular displacement using capacitive transducer (02)
Level measurement using capacitive transducer. (02)
Temp Measurement & Control RTD (01)
Temp Measurement & Control Thermister (01)
Strain Guage Trainer (01)
Pr. Measurement using Silicon pressure Transducer (01)
Temp. Measurement using Optical Radi Pyrometer (01)
CRO 20,25 MHz with FG (02)

Power Electronic Lab
List of Major Equipments:
- Characteristics of SCR. (03)
Characteristics of DIAC. (03)
Characteristics of TRIAC. (03)
Single-phase half &fully controlled bridge converter. (03)
Parallel inverter & SERIES INVERTER (02)
DC (SCR) chopper. (03)
Speed control of DC motor (universal motor) using SCR. (02)
Bedford and Parallel Inverter (1)
CRO 20 MHz with FG (06)
Power Supply (13)
Multimeter (13)

U.H.F. Lab
List of Major Equipments:
- Reflex Klystron Test Bench. (02)
Gunn Based Test Bench. (02)
CRO 25 Mhz, Tech lab with logic scope. (02)