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Mechanical Achievement

Department of Mechanical EngineeringSr. no.Faculty NameTitlePublicationYear1Prof.Pankaj JaiswalJoint strength Optimization of Single Lap Adhesive Joint2017 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computing,Instrumentation and Control Technologies       2017-18Effect of Cyclic Solar (UV) Radiation and Temperature on Mechanical Perormance of Single Lap adhesive Joint2017 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computing,Instrumentation and Control Technologies2017-18Improvised Hydraulic Plastic Compacting System2017 IEEE International Conference…Continue Reading

Mechanical Result Analysis

Welcome to Department of Mechanical Summer 2018 Winter 2018 Winter 2017 Department Links Mechanical Department About Course Faculty Profile PEOs & POs Laboratories in the Department Departmental Event Result Analysis AchievementContinue Reading

Welcome To Department of Mechanical Departmental Events Departmental Events- Session: 2018-19 “ Dare to be free ,dare to go as far as your thoughts leads, and dare to carry that out in your life.” As we are the youngest one in HVPM’s nest, We are blessed with full on Energy. We have developed Self learning…Continue Reading

Department of Mechanical Engineering Laboratories CAD Lab Computer Systems: 1) Lenovo Desktop (H50-50) MTM No.90B7007lin Sr.No.R301E2YZ/2X5, MTM NO.90B8002HIN Intel dual core 3.2GHz, 4GB Ram,500 GB HDD/,DvdrwDSDO5X KEY BOARD and Mouse wired with TFT 2)Lenovo Tft 18.5LED, MTM NO. 18201337 , SR NO.8ML1253F32N3021, MTM NO. 18201337 4ML1641F5201550/2402381/5201324/602840/201533201539 3) Think pad TFT 18.5″, MTM NO.60BDAAR6NP, SR NO….Continue Reading

DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING PROGRAM EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES (PEOs) & PROGRAM OUTCOMES (POs) Program Educational Objectives (PEOs):- Eductional objective of programme is design to produce competent engineer, considering important field of study and market requirement. To develop Techno-commercial skills like, Research Apptitude, Entrepreneurship and Creative efforts in Mechanical Engineering and alligned areas of Science and Technology….Continue Reading

DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING STAFF PROFILE Faculty profile     Name Mr. Nachiket P. Kherde Designation Head Edu. Qualification M.E (CAD/CAM), B.E(Mech) Area of Specialization Computer Aided Drafting. Blood Group O+ Experience 10 Years Mobile no 9119572111 Email Id Name Mr. Parag Prakash Akarte Designation Assistant Professor Edu. Qualification B.E., M.Tech. (CAD/CAM) Area of…Continue Reading

Department of Mechanical Engineering About Course Course Name: Bachelor of Engineering Degree Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) Duration: 4 Year (8 Semester) Full Time Intake: 30 Establishment: Year: 2014 Department Links Mechanical Department About Course Faculty Profile PEOs & POs Laboratories in the Department Departmental Event Result Analysis AchievementContinue Reading

Welcome to Department of Mechanical Engineering   Mission (i) To develop Techno-commercial skills in graduates and groom them to keep pace with global trends with multidisciplinary engineering knowledge (ii) To Develop Industry Oriented Manpower to accept the challenges of Globalization by impart knowledge & skill based Education in Collaboration with industry, Academia & Research Organization…Continue Reading