Welcome to Applied Science & Allied Engineering Department
Department of First Year Engineering

The First Year Engineering Department is committed for imparting the students the basic knowledge required to pursue their engineering education, Basic first year Engg. Subjects include Engineering Drawing, Electrical Engineering, Engineering Mechanics, Computer Science, Engineering Physics, Engineering Chemistry, Engineering Mathematics & Workshop.
Department is committed to maintain quality of education and discipline among the students. From last two semester’s first year engineering department have maintained its first rank in Group A results in SGB Amravati University. Many engineering associated activities are also undertaken through this department like consultation for building and construction, electrical energy audit, electrification and maintenance of HVPM campus, fabrication and maintenance of steel furniture, desk and benches etc.
The Department is having highly experienced and dedicated faculties. As a part of environmental awareness our department takes active participation in tree plantation every year on the eve of 15th August, Independence Day. As an academic activity of department, we organize one day educational tour of First Year Students.
Prof. S. V. Khond
First Year Department Faculty Profile PEOs & POs Laboratories in the Department